JNM Global

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JNM Germany/Genehmigungsinformationen

Tschechische Republik, Änderung der Anforderungen an die Verwendung von RoHS in Elektroprodukten

JNM Global 제이엔엠글로벌 2021. 8. 31. 14:05


Die tschechische Regierung hat am 27. Jul. 2020 Regulation No. 344/2020 zur Änderung von Decree No. 481/2012 veröffentlicht.


Diese Verordnung wurde veröffentlicht, um EU-Richtlinien in Bezug auf die Ausnahme von der Verwendung bestimmter gefährlicher Stoffe in Elektrogeräten zu befolgen.


Daher berücksichtigt Regulation No. 344/2020 die u. g. EU Directives :


   Directive (EU) 2020/366 with regards to the the exemption for use of lead as a thermal stabiliser in polyvinyl

    chloride used in certain in-vitro diagnostic medical devices for the analysis of blood and other body fluids and

    body gases;

   Directive (EU) 2020/360 with regards to the the exemption for use of lead in platinized platinum electrodes

    used for certain conductivity measurements;

   Directive (EU) 2020/361 with regards to the the exemption for use of hexavalent chromium as an anticorrosion

    agent of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigerators;

   Directive (EU) 2020/365 with regard to the the exemption for use of lead in solders and termination finishes

    used in certain  hand-held combustion engines

   Directive (EU) 2020/364 with regard the exemption for the use of cadmium in certain radiation tolerant video

    camera tubes


Die Anhänge II und III wurden in Bezug auf die folgenden Stoffe gemäß Decree No. 481/2012 geändert:


1. Anhang II

   Item 9: Hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion agent of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption

    refrigerators up to 0,75 % by weight in the cooling solution.

   Item 9 a I and a II: Hexavalent chromium up to 0,75% by weight, used as anti-corrosion agent in the cooling

    solution of carbon steel cooling systems in absorption refrigerators.

   Item 41: Lead in solders and termination finishes of electrical and electronic components and finishes of

    printed circuit boards used in ignition modules and other electrical and electronic engine control systems,

    which for technical reasons must be mounted directly on or in the crankcase or cylinder of hand-held

    combustion engines


2. Anhang III

   Item 37: Lead in platinized platinum electrodes used for conductivity measurements

   Item 41: Lead as a thermal stabiliser in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used as base material in amperometric,

    potentiometric and conductometric electrochemical sensors which are used in in-vitro diagnostic medical

    devices for the analysis of blood and other body fluids and body gases.

   Item 44: Cadmium in radiation tolerant video camera tubes designed for cameras with a centre resolution

    greater than 450 TV lines which are used in environments with ionising radiation exposure exceeding 100

    Gy/hour and a total dose in excess of 100kGy.


Mit Ausnahme der Artikel cadmium in radiation tolerant video camera tubes (Artikel 44 von Anhang III), die ab dem 1. Sep. 2020 in Kraft trat, treten die Bestimmungen anderer Vorschriften am 1. Apr. 2021 in Kraft.


Die vollständige Texte von Regulation No. 344/2020 können Sie hier finden.


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