JNM Global

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JNM Global

China: CCC new SAR standards for mobile communication terminals implemented

JNM Global 제이엔엠글로벌 2024. 1. 17. 14:56



The new SAR standard for mobile communication devices GB 21288-2022, which replaces the old standard, GB 21288-2007, has been implemented from January 01, 2024.

Therefore, all mobile communication devices, operating within 100 kHz ~ 300 GHz and used within 20 cm of the human body, should now comply to the new standard, GB 21288-2022.

The main technical changes are as follows:

1.      Scope

The scope of the standard has been updated from “mobile phones used close to the head” to “mobile communication terminal equipment operating within 100KHz-300GHz and used within 20cm of the human body”.


2.     Exposure Classification & Exposure Limits

The exposure limits, which are applicable to different frequencies and different body parts, are added.

Classification Frequency Range Local SAR
(Head & Body)
Local SAR
Local Absorbed Power
Density Sab
Professional 100 kHz ~ 6 GHz 10 W/kg 20 W/kg -
>6 GHz ~ 300 GHz - - 100 W/m2
Public 100 kHz ~ 6 GHz 2 W/kg 4 W/kg -
>6 GHz ~ 300 GHz - - 20 W/m2


3.     Labeling content & the annotation in the product manual

The applicable products should include the statements in their manual as follows:

    pacemakers, hearing aids, cochlear implants, etc.

The product instructions should indicate the matters that the users should pay attention to when using the devices.

    The device operating in 100 kHz ~ 6 GHz

品局部暴露下射比吸收率(SAR)最大值为x.x W/kg,符合GB21288-2022的要求”

("The maximum value of the electromagnetic radiation specific absorption rate (SAR) of this product under partial exposure is x.x W/kg, in compliance with the requirements of GB21288-2022")

    The device operating in >6 GHz ~ 300 GHz

“本品局部暴露下射功率密度最大值为x.x W/m,符合GB21288-2022的要求”

("The maximum electromagnetic radiation power density of this product under local exposure is x.x W/m, in compliance with GB21288- 2022 requirements”)

    The device operating in both 100 kHz ~ 6 GH & >6 GHz ~ 300 GHz

“本品局部暴露下射比吸收率(SAR)最大值为x.x W/kg。功率密度最大值为x.x W/m,符合GB21288-2022的要求

("The maximum value of the electromagnetic radiation specific absorption rate (SAR) of this product under partial exposure is x.x W/kg. The maximum power density is x.x W/m, in compliance with the requirements of GB21288-2022.")