JNM Global

Global Approval Partner

JNM Japan


JNM Global 제이엔엠글로벌 2024. 3. 13. 16:33


2024116日、チリのMTTはデジタル地上波テレビ受信機の技術仕様に対する既存決議案Nº 7,219 of 2009を修正する決議案Nº 31を発表しました。 この修正事項は20241014日から施行されます。




1)     ‘No.7219 1」受信アンテナ定義の追加

-       Receiving antenna: physical device that allows the electric field of the signal propagated in the air to be transformed into useful current and voltage so that the electronic elements of the receiver function correctly and digital signals can be decoded. In general terms, its adaptation will require that has an impedance of 75 ohms.


2)     ‘No.7219 2」改正

-       “Digital terrestrial television receivers must include a receiving antenna that allows its correct operation and comply with the minimum technical specifications indicated below. Regarding the other technical characteristics of the receivers, not specified in this technical standard, or for the specifications defined as optional, must resort to the regulations indicated in letter f) of the Considering clauses.”


