JNM Global

Global Approval Partner

JNM Global/Medical Device 67

Hong Kong MDACS, Published Software Medical Device and Cybersecurity Technical Reference Document (TR-007)

The Hong Kong Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS) has published a new technical reference document (TR-007) related to software medical devices (SaMD and SiMD) on December 29, 2023. Technical Reference TR-007 covers SiMD and SaMD risk management requirements and basic cybersecurity requirements. The software medical device technical documentation requirements for MDACS applicati..

Korea, List of medical device certification and approval support projects conducted in 2023

Medical device companies have many difficulties entering the market due to the cost and time required to obtain certification, the creation of enhanced technical documents, and the lack of information on essential regulations by country. Various organizations are carrying out many support projects to solve these difficulties, minimize the burden of certification barriers, and help them enter the..

MFDS, Published Guidelines for Application of Medical Device GMP Usability_U-Healthcare electrocardiograph

U-Healthcare Medical Device? Based on wired and wireless communication infrastructure, It is a medical device that enables medical personnel to remotely monitor patients' biological signals measured in real time in non-medical places, manage their health, and provide appropriate health care services in a timely manner. Recently, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety published guidelines for quali..

Hong Kong MDACS, Guidance Notes on Changes for Listed Medical Devices

Hong Kong Medical Device Division (MDD) issued formal guidance (GN-10 Guidance Notes on Changes for Listed Medical Devices) on the requirements to maintain compliance when making changes to a medical device registered with the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS). The GN-10 guidelines include classification of whether changes to registered medical devices are major or minor and m..

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, announces partial revision of regulations on the designation of medical devic-es subject to follow-up management

From November 17, 2023, it has been partially revised to clarify administrative procedures by preparing standards and procedures for lifting the designation of medical devices subject to follow-up management and to match the name of the medical device subject to follow-up management with the item name specified in the Regulations on Medical Device Items and Classes by Item. The major revisions a..

Brazil's BGMP has agreed to extend the MDSAP certificate to four years

Medical devices sold in Brazil must be manufactured by a manufacturer with a Quality Management System (QMS) that complies with the Brazilian Standards of Good Manufacturing Control (BGMP) (RDC 665/2022 and RDC 497/2021). In Brazil, Class III and Class IV manufacturers are required to obtain a BGMP certificate, which is valid for two years. ANVISA uses a risk-based approach (RDC 217/2018 and RDC..