JNM Global

Global Approval Partner


Hong Kong MDD, Updated the Guidance (GN-01) on Renewal Application for Listing Medical Device

The Hong Kong Medical Device Division (MDD) has implemented the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS) to regulate medical devices, including operating a device registration system and an adverse event reporting system.  On September 30, 2024, the MDD updated Sections 5.14 and 5.15 in the Guidance (GN-01) on the Overview of the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS), ..

Hong kong MDD, Adds China and Korea to list of reference countries

The Hong Kong Medical Device Division (MDD) has announced that the “Essential Principles of Medical Device Safety and Performance” (Technical Reference: TR-004) will be available for use in the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS) from 1 January 2024. Hong Kong's existing reference countries were Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, and the United States, but as the info..

Hong Kong MDACS, Published Software Medical Device and Cybersecurity Technical Reference Document (TR-007)

The Hong Kong Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS) has published a new technical reference document (TR-007) related to software medical devices (SaMD and SiMD) on December 29, 2023. Technical Reference TR-007 covers SiMD and SaMD risk management requirements and basic cybersecurity requirements. The software medical device technical documentation requirements for MDACS applicati..

Hong Kong MDACS, Guidance Notes on Changes for Listed Medical Devices

Hong Kong Medical Device Division (MDD) issued formal guidance (GN-10 Guidance Notes on Changes for Listed Medical Devices) on the requirements to maintain compliance when making changes to a medical device registered with the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS). The GN-10 guidelines include classification of whether changes to registered medical devices are major or minor and m..


初めに、香港の医療機器登録は必須事項ではなく勧奨事項となります。 しかし、香港DH(Department of Health)保健省は、2023.06.21から医療機器調達に新しい戦略を施行する予定です。 DHは全ての医療機器の調達からMDACS(Medical Device Administration Control System)に登録された医療機器を優先視しています。 新しく施行される戦略では、DHが購入する医療機器は国際標準と類似した安全、品質及び性能の要求事項を満たすように本質的に保障し、MDD(Medical Device Division)の安全警告モニタリングは、公衆の保険に追加的な保護を提供する必要があります。 従って、DHサービスに医療機器を供給するためには、可能な限り早くMDACSに一般医療機器Class II/III/IV及び 体外診断医療機器Class B,..