On December 12, 2024, Brazil ANVISA published the updated Cosmetics Classification Rules under Resolution RDC No. 949 (2024).
In Brazil, cosmetics are classified into Grade 1 and Grade 2 products based on their health surveillance level. The classification is outlined in Resolution RDC No. 949 (2024)
- Grade 1 products currently total 71 items
- Grade 2 products currently total 46 items
All products that declare the following indications within Grade 1 will be reclassified into Grade 2:
- For pregnant women or children
- For individuals with acne-prone or sensitive skin
- For sensitive teeth, cavity prevention, plaque prevention, tartar prevention, or teeth whitening
- For the hygiene of immobile individuals
- For sweat suppression, stretch mark prevention, or skin whitening
- As antibacterial or preservative agents
- For sun protection, tanning, tanning activation or enhancement, or self-tanning
- For dandruff prevention
- For hair and body hair coloring, bleaching, or discoloration
- For personal protective equipment (EPI) for work purposes
This updated rule will be effective starting March 3, 2025.
Please refer to the link below.
Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada - RDC nº 949, de 12/12/2024
AlteradoraResolução da Diretoria Colegiada - RDC nº 949, de 12/12/2024
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