JNM Global

Global Approval Partner


Korea MFDS, Announcement of revised medical device Adverse Event report guidelines

On May 27, 2024, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) posted a revised version of the "Medical Device Adverse Event Report Guidelines" reflecting the revision of the standard code for medical device abnormalities and the frequently used standard code case. The medical device safety information management system is briefly as follows.1. If the medical device handler recognizes that death o..

MFDS, Publication of guidelines for evaluating physical and chemical properties of non-absorbable polymer materials for biological safety evaluation of medical devices

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety published 「Guidelines for evaluating physical and chemical properties of non-absorbable polymer materials for biological safety evaluation of medical devices」 on April 08, 2024 to help prepare biological evaluation data for medical devices by explaining the requirements, evaluation principles, and processes of data on physical and chemical characteristics ana..


MDSAPは米国、日本、カナダ、オーストラリア、ブラジルの5つの正会員国が医療機器の安全と品質管理のために国際基準による共同審査を目的に作った認証制度です。 食品医薬品安全処は2023年12月19日付から医療機器共同審査プログラム(MDSAP)の審査結果、活用範囲の拡大および重複した提出書類の整備を通じて審査方法を改善し、医療機器の品質管理の国際調和を推進するために「医療機器製造および品質管理基準」の一部を改正しました。 主な改正事項は以下の通りです。 1) 第6条(適合性認定等審査方法) MDSAP適合認定書を保有している場合であっても、次の場合には、実地調査を実施しなければならない。 1.1 第四条第二項の規定による定期審査対象製造所 1.2 医療機器共同審査プログラムによる適合性認定等審査の結果、重大な不適合事項の発見等、国民の健康に影響を与えかねないと食品医薬品安全処長が認める..

JNM Japan 2024.03.13

Hong kong MDD, Adds China and Korea to list of reference countries

The Hong Kong Medical Device Division (MDD) has announced that the “Essential Principles of Medical Device Safety and Performance” (Technical Reference: TR-004) will be available for use in the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS) from 1 January 2024. Hong Kong's existing reference countries were Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, and the United States, but as the info..

MFDS, Notification of partial revision of medical device manufacturing and quality control standards_Expanding the scope of MDSAP review results

MDSAP is a certification system created by five regular member countries, the United States, Japan, Canada, Australia, and Brazil, for the purpose of joint review according to international standards for medical device safety and quality control. From December 19, 2023, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety revised part of the Medical Device Manufacturing and Quality Control Standards to improve ..

Cosmetics production performance reporting guidance for 2023(~2024.2.29)

According to the law below, Responsible sellers are required to report the 2023 cosmetics production performance to the Korea Cosmetic Association from January 1, 2024 to February 29, 2024. • 「Cosmetics Act」 Article 5 / Article 4 (Duty of business operator, etc.) • 「Cosmetics Act Enforcement Rules」 Article 13 (Report on production performance of cosmetics, etc.) • 「Regulations on the production ..

JNM Global/Cosmetic 2024.02.02

Korea, Information on the 2023 customized cosmetics raw material list report(~2024.2.29)

What is customized cosmetics? This refers to cosmetics in which a person with a dispensing manager license divides the contents of cosmetics or mixes the contents of cosmetics with raw materials determined by the Minister of Food and Drug Safety. According to the law below, a list of all raw materials used in customized cosmetics must be reported to the Korea Cosmetics Association by the end of ..

JNM Global/Cosmetic 2024.01.23


MFDS2等級認証を受けるためには、技術文書審査機関の技術文書審査は必須です。 現在、2等級医療機器技術文書審査手数料は民間委託以後13年間審査手数料が凍結され、審査機関の経営悪化、苦情処理期間遅延、苦情サービス低下など悪循環がもたらされました。 手数料凍結による問題および他の業務の手数料引き上げ現況を反映して、2024.02.01から技術文書審査手数料が引き上げられます。 Category Current fee Increase fee Note New 1,400,000 2,464,000 Effective from 24.2.1 (10% VAT excluded) Change 1,100,000 1,936,000 Combination (New) 1,700,000 2,992,000 2024年2月から適用される第1段階の引き上げ手数料をご参考お願いします。 さら..

Korea, List of medical device certification and approval support projects conducted in 2023

Medical device companies have many difficulties entering the market due to the cost and time required to obtain certification, the creation of enhanced technical documents, and the lack of information on essential regulations by country. Various organizations are carrying out many support projects to solve these difficulties, minimize the burden of certification barriers, and help them enter the..

MFDS, Published Guidelines for Application of Medical Device GMP Usability_U-Healthcare electrocardiograph

U-Healthcare Medical Device? Based on wired and wireless communication infrastructure, It is a medical device that enables medical personnel to remotely monitor patients' biological signals measured in real time in non-medical places, manage their health, and provide appropriate health care services in a timely manner. Recently, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety published guidelines for quali..