JNM Global

Global Approval Partner

regulation 13

Cosmetics production performance reporting guidance for 2023(~2024.2.29)

According to the law below, Responsible sellers are required to report the 2023 cosmetics production performance to the Korea Cosmetic Association from January 1, 2024 to February 29, 2024. • 「Cosmetics Act」 Article 5 / Article 4 (Duty of business operator, etc.) • 「Cosmetics Act Enforcement Rules」 Article 13 (Report on production performance of cosmetics, etc.) • 「Regulations on the production ..

JNM Global/Cosmetic 2024.02.02

Korea, Information on the 2023 customized cosmetics raw material list report(~2024.2.29)

What is customized cosmetics? This refers to cosmetics in which a person with a dispensing manager license divides the contents of cosmetics or mixes the contents of cosmetics with raw materials determined by the Minister of Food and Drug Safety. According to the law below, a list of all raw materials used in customized cosmetics must be reported to the Korea Cosmetics Association by the end of ..

JNM Global/Cosmetic 2024.01.23

Mexico in vitro diagnostic medical device Cofepris certificate

Medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices in Mexico comply with the Mexico standard NOM-241-SSA1-2021. Mexico is classified into Class I, Class II, and Class III depending on risk, and all medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices must be registered mandatory sanitary registration. The regulatory authorities related to medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical d..


タイでは最近化粧品規定を変更し、新しい禁⽌成分リストを導⼊しました。許容されている防腐剤に対する要 求事項をアップデートし、最新アップデートは最新のASEAN Cosmetic Drectiveの改訂と⼀致しています。 2023年6⽉22⽇にタイの公衆保健省(MOPH)は、2023年140回⽬の政府官報を通して化粧品に禁⽌されて いる成分及び、許容されている防腐剤と関連した改訂3つを発表しました。 詳しい内容は下記のリンクをご参考くださいませ。 ประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข เรื่อง ชื่อวัตถุที่ห้ ประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข เรื่อง ชื่อวัตถุที่ห้ามใช้เป็นส่วนผสมในการผลิตเครื่องสำอาง พ.ศ. 2566 cosmetic.fda.moph.go.th 化粧品認証と関連し、気に..

Thailand Cosmetics Regulation Update: Release of Prohibited ingredient list

Thailand has recently implemented changes in the cosmetics regulations, introducing a new list of prohibited ingredients and updating the requirements for permitted preservatives. The latest updates now align Thailand’s regulations with the latest ASEAN Cosmetic Directive revisions. On June 22, 2023, the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand (MOPH) issued three notices through the 140th Governme..

JNM Global/Cosmetic 2023.07.18

Malaysia's MDA to switch electronic medical device registration certificate

Malaysia's MDA will be able to download electronic medical device registration certificates from May 2, 2023. Once the application is completed and the registration fee is paid, it can be downloaded from the MeDC@St2.0+ system. Electronic medical device registration certificates can be used to import medical devices or to launch them in the Malaysian market, The transition period to the former i..

Argentinien, die Änderung der Zulassungsvorschriften für Ausrüstung

ENACOM hat am 21. Nov. 2019 die Resolution RESOL-2019-5424-APN-ENACOM # JGM veröffentlicht. Diese Resolution ersetzt RESOL-2016-8967-E-APN-ENACOM#MCO und ändert die Resolution SC N 729/1980. Die wichtigsten Änderungen sind nämlich : • Registration Documentation Die Resolution enthält eine erforderliche aktualisierte Dokumente-Liste für Hersteller, Importeure / Händler und lokale Vertreter. • App..