On January 2, 2025, the Indonesia BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) launched the cosmetic notification system, Notifkos 3.0.
1. The main features of the system are as follows:
1 | Cosmetic Distribution Permit | - New products - Export-only products - Product clustering |
2 | Cosmetic Notification Updates | - Product updates - Cosmetic kit updates - Updates for export products |
3 | Company Changes/Change Notification/Standard Certificate | - Company Change - Factory Change - Multiple factory change |
4 | Packaging Changes/Notification Certificate for Change/Standard Certificate | - Packaging changes for cosmetics - Packaging changes for cosmetics kits |
5 | Cosmetic Kit Notification Standard Certificate/Letter | - Cosmetic Kits |
2. The documents required for cosmetic notification through this system are as follows:
- Product name
- Cosmetic formula, including 1) INCI ingredient names, 2) Percentage (%), 3) Function of each ingredient
- Area of application (eg., face, hair, nails, etc.)
- Product category
- Directions for use
- Packaging
- Documents related to the manufacturer and packaging company etc.
3. Considerations when entering ingredients in Notifkos 3.0:
- The raw materials database includes only ingredients with INCI names.
- Data can be searched based on INCI names or CAS numbers.
- The “Percentage” column must be filled in.
- Ingredients listed in Annexes I-IV of the Technical Requirements for cosmetic Ingredients cannot have a content value of “0.”
- When updating a product, it is necessary to confirm that the updated formular (ingredient names and content) is identical to the previous data.
- If an ingredient to be used is not yet registered in the system, it is necessary to contact the Directorate of Standardization of Traditional Medicines, Health Supplements, and Cosmetics (Direktorat Standardisasi Obat Tradisional, Suplemen Kesehatan dan Kosmetik) first.
Please refer to the link below.
Beranda | Portal Aplikasi Registrasi Produk Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan
Obat dan Makanan aman, bermutu, dan berdaya saing untuk mewujudkan Indonesia maju yang berdaulat, mandiri, dan berkepribadian berlandaskan gotong royong
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