JNM Global

Global Approval Partner

JNM China/医疗器械认证

TGA, 关于定制式医疗器械的新情报

JNM Global 제이엔엠글로벌 2021. 7. 13. 15:40

Pereonalised medical devices exemption
25 February 2021




在生正在医疗器械包含内,如需ARTG2024111日前可以完成ProcessTransition期间完成;因此,为了transition内完成,需在2021825日前完成Online Form并进register



(a) is intended by the manufacturer to be for:

-  (i) the sole use of a particular patient (the intended recipient); or

-  (ii) the sole use of a particular health professional (the intended recipient) in the course of the health professional’s practice; and

(b) is manufactured by the manufacturer in accordance with a written request of a health professional (the requesting health professional) and with particular design characteristics specified by that health professional in the request (even if the design is developed in consultation with the manufacturer), where those design characteristics are intended to address:

-  (i) either or both of the anatomical and physiological features of the intended recipient; or

-  (ii) a pathological condition of the intended recipient; and

(c) the requesting health professional has determined is necessary to address the matters covered by paragraph (b) because there is no kind of medical device included in the Register to address those matters or to address those matters to an appropriate level.'


· 虽然定制式医疗器械无需进行ARTG,但其并不是Regulation豁免象。

· 助商及医疗器械制造履行以下事


- 必须告知TGA正在生产或正在进口的定制式医疗器械。

- 必须遵守Inspection和Review等豁免要求。

- 必须保存记录及遵守相关要求。

- 必须提供与器械相关的所有必要信息。

- 在每年7月1日至10月1日期间,向TGA提供上一年度的annual report。

- 不得为提供给消费者的定制式器械做广告。





Personalised medical devices (including 3D-printed devices)

Guidance on the new regulatory framework for personalised medical devices has been updated.



Personalised Medical Device


- 定制式医疗器械的澳大利亚制造商

- 海外制造厂生产的定制式医疗器械的供应商(赞助商)

* Notification Online form提交。


需要提供以下信息完成 Online form 的编写


- 制造商信息(商号、地址)

- 器械的GMDN代码

- 器械的Classification

- 器械的说明







